Journal of Behavior Therapy And Mental Health

Journal of Behavior Therapy And Mental Health

Journal of Behavior Therapy And Mental Health

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Journal of Behavior Therapy and Mental Health is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of behavioral and mental health disorders. JBTM is committed to ensuring the broad dissemination and accessibility of the research published in our journal, and our indexing in these prominent databases reflects our dedication to reaching a wide audience of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of behavior therapy and mental health.

  • ISSN Registration: Officially registered with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), ensuring global recognition and citation tracking.  
  • Open Policy Finder: Our journal is included in Open Policy Finder, supporting compliance with open access policies and practices.  
  • ResearchBib: Indexed in ResearchBib, providing widespread recognition and accessibility to researchers worldwide.  
  • SCLiT: Our journal is included in SCLiT, supporting its discoverability and impact in the academic domain.  
  • OpenAlex: Listed in OpenAlex, ensuring seamless access and engagement with the global research community.  
  • Open Access (mg): Journal indexes Open Access, promoting unrestricted sharing of knowledge and research.  
  • Scientific Journal Impact Factor: Highlighted in SJIF, showcasing the journal's contribution to academic excellence.  
  • IP Indexing: Our journal is indexed in IP Indexing, ensuring global visibility and accessibility within academic and research networks.  
  • Cosmos Impact Factor: Featured in Cosmos Impact Factor, reflecting the journal's academic influence and citation relevance.  
  • CiteFactor: Listed in CiteFactor, enhancing the journal's credibility and reach in the scholarly community.  

Article Access through Premier Repositories and Social Networking Platforms

  • Research Gate

1. Compassion Fatigue and Adopted Coping Strategies of Mental Health Service Providers Working in A Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Nigeria
2. First Year University Students Self-Reported Health Outcomes Over an Academic Semester
3. Influences of Australian nursing students’ anxiety, depression, personality and family interaction on their psychological well-being and suicidal ideation
4. Holistic Nursing Practiced as Intensive Care Nursing
5. In Vitro Cytoprotection of Resveratrol against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress and Injury in Astrocytes


Article Visibility through Leading Academic Search Engine

  • Google Scholar
  • Semantic Scholar

1. A Comparative Study of the Impact of Himalayan Singing Bowls and Supine Silence on Stress Index and Heart Rate Variability
2. “That Which is Measured mproves”: A Theoretical and Empirical Review of Self-Monitoring in Self-Management and Adaptive Behavior Change
3. A Longitudinal Intervention Study to Reduce Aggression by Children Ages 4-11

Article Accessibility through Major Indexing Platforms

  • Research Bible
  • Euro pub


1. Family Caregivers’ Knowledge About Their Ill Relatives’ Mental Illness And Treatment: Perspectives From The Niger Delta Region Of Nigeria
2. Trends and inducing factors for illicit drug use in Grenada: Epoch 2001 – 2009.
3. Correlates of Mental Health in Survivors of Colorectal Cancer: The Influence of Individual, Family, and Community Level Factors
4. Early Stressful Life Events, which Caused Depression Probably are Associated with the Development of Dementia
5. Parental Report of Gender Differences in Sexual Functioning among Adolescents with Down Syndrome: A Jordanian Experience


Article Exposure through Renowned Databases

  • The University of Western Australia
  • University of East London

1. Unsettled; Mental Stress in Community-Living Adolescents Who are Seeking Asylum in Australia
2. The Relationship between Materialistic Aspirations and Distinct Aspects of Psychological Well-being in a UK sample

Indexed in some other platforms:

  • Merlot
  • Scilit

1. Effect of the Biofield Energy Treated Proprietary Test Formulation for Sleep Biomarkers in the Unpredictable Chronic Stress (UCS) Animal Model
2. Affiliate Stigma and Compassion Satisfaction Amongst Mental Health Service Providers at A Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Nigeria
3. Effect of the Biofield Energy Treated Proprietary Test Formulation for Sleep Biomarkers in the Unpredictable Chronic Stress (UCS) Animal Model

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences