Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

Submit Manuscript


Journal of New Developments in Chemistry is an Open Access Journal, focusing on the latest innovations and breakthroughs in the field of chemistry. JNDC aims to bring together cutting-edge research from various sub-disciplines of chemistry, including but not limited to Chemical Sciences, Advanced Chemical Research, Chemical Engineering Advances, Organic Chemistry Innovations, Chemical Reactions, Molecular Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and Green Chemistry.

JNDC offers a streamlined submission experience designed to enhance the quality and impact of the research. Open Access journal is committed to providing an efficient and supportive platform for researchers to publish their findings, ensuring each submission undergoes thorough and expert evaluation. JNDC mission is to support authors in disseminating their valuable research by offering a user-friendly platform and comprehensive support. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth and efficient submission process.


Types of Publications

JNDC publish various types of manuscripts, including original research, reviews, letters, editorials, case reports, clinical trials, rapid communications, commentaries, theses, literature reviews, opinions, mini-reviews, book reviews, perspectives, conference proceedings, and short communications. Each type of manuscript is carefully reviewed to ensure the highest standards of academic integrity and quality, contributing valuable insights and advancements to the global academic community.


How to Submit A Manuscript?

Online Submission:
1. Register or Log In:

  • Visit the ManuscriptZone Submission Portal.
  • For new users, click on the "Register" button to create a new account. Once registered, author will receive a confirmation email.
  • Existing user, log in using the email address and password.
  • Once logged in, navigate to the "Submit Manuscript" section under the ‘Manuscripts’ tab to submit a manuscript.
  • Follow the prompts to enter manuscript details, upload files, and complete the submission.

2. Simple Manuscript Submission:

Offline Submission:
1. Email Submission:

  • Send a manuscript and accompanying documents to the editorial office via email at
  • Upon receiving the email submission, JNDC team will register a manuscript on the ManuscriptZone portal.


Pre-Submission Checklist
Before submitting the manuscript, ensure the following elements are included and formatted correctly:

  • Title Page: Ensure the title page includes the manuscript title, the names of all authors, their respective affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: Provide a concise summary of the research, encompassing the main objectives, methods, key results, and conclusions. This section should be brief yet informative, giving a clear overview of the study.
  • Keywords: Include a list of relevant keywords that will aid in the indexing and search optimization of the manuscript. Select terms that accurately reflect the main topics and themes of research.
  • Main Text: Structure the main body of the manuscript with clear and logical headings and subheadings. Each section should flow coherently, with all references properly cited in the text. Ensure the content is comprehensive and well-organized to facilitate reader understanding.
  • Tables and Figures: Incorporate all tables and figures into the manuscript, ensuring each is properly labeled and referenced within the text. Provide descriptive captions for each table and figure to clearly convey their content and significance.
  • Cover Letter: Compose a professional cover letter addressed to the editor. Succinctly outline the significance and novelty of the research, highlighting why your work is a valuable contribution to the journal and the field, and why it should be considered for publication. The cover letter should include the names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors, along with the signature of the corresponding author. 


Manuscript Processing

1. Initial Review:

  • Manuscripts are screened for completeness and adherence to submission guidelines.
  • A plagiarism check is performed using iThenticate. Manuscripts with over 30% similarity index are returned for revision.

2. Editor Assignment:

  • An editor whose expertise aligns with the manuscript’s subject matter is assigned.
  • The editor will handle the peer review process and make a decision regarding publication.

3. Peer Review:

  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and availability.
  • Reviewers provide feedback and recommendations for manuscript improvement.

4. Editorial Decision:

  • Based on reviewers’ reports, the editor will make a decision (accept, minor/major revisions, or reject).
  • Author will be notified of the decision and provided with reviewers’ comments.


1. Revisions:

  • If revisions are required, author will receive detailed feedback. Submit revised manuscripts promptly to avoid delays.

2. Final Decision:

  • Upon acceptance, author will receive a confirmation, and manuscript will proceed to the publication stage.
  • If rejected, author will be given feedback to guide potential resubmissions or improvements for other journals.

Additional Resources

Contact us

JNDC team is here to assist you throughout the submission process. For any queries or technical issues, please contact the support team at

JNDC is looking forward to receiving your submission. Thank you for choosing ManuscriptZone. Your contribution is valuable to the advancement of research and knowledge sharing.




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