Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

Submit Manuscript

Aims and Scope


Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (JCBT) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed publication that is committed to exploring the most effective cognitive behavioural treatments available with a focus on the clinical application of evidence-based practices. The journal is devoted to providing psychological and clinical professionals, students, and other interested individuals with the latest research and reviews on cognitive behavioural psychotherapy, applied behaviour analysis, and mental health interventions.

Journal Focus and Scope:

  • Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (JCBT) focuses on providing the latest research and reviews on cognitive behavioural psychotherapy, applied behavior analysis, and mental health interventions.
  • The journal is dedicated to serving psychological and clinical professionals, students, and other interested individuals, as well as practitioners, researchers, and those in training.
  • JCBT encourages submissions from various disciplines, including psychology, psychiatry, social work, public health, and medical disciplines.
  • The journal seeks articles that enhance understanding of the implementation, effectiveness, and efficacy of cognitive behavioural interventions, and contribute to the development of evidence-based practice.
  • The Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy welcomes articles related to the intersection of artificial intelligence and cognitive behavioral therapy. 

Submitting your manuscript is simple:

  • Method 1: Register as an author, enter manuscript details (title, article type, abstract), and upload on Manuscriptzone.
  • Method 2: Send the submission files to the Editorial Office via email.
  • Method 3: Use the online submission page to upload your files.

Few keywords were specified, which belongs to the scope of the journal, not restricted. For more queries, contact us at


Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences