Journal of Weather Changes

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Weather Changes-Remote sensing of air pollution-Sourangsu Chowdhury


University of California, Berkeley,
Department of Environmental Health Sciences.

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Sourangsu Chowdhury


University Hall,
School of Public Health,
University of California, Berkeley,
CA-94720 Centre for Atmospheric Sciences,
IIT Delhi,

Research Interests:

  • Remote sensing of air pollution
  • Climate change and air pollution
  • Health effects of air pollution.



  • Air Quality in Changing Climate: Implications for Health Impacts.
  • Ambient PM2.5 exposure and expected premature mortality to 2100 in India under climate change scenarios.
  • " Traffic intervention " policy fails to mitigate air pollution in megacity Delhi.
  • Cause-specific premature death from ambient PM2.5 exposure in India: Estimate adjusted for baseline mortality.
  • Satellite-based estimates of aerosol washout and recovery over India during monsoon.
  • 18-year Ambient PM2.5 Exposure and Night Light Trends in Indian Cities: Vulnerability Assessment.
  • Comparative Study of Heat Indices in India Based on Observed and Model Simulated Data.
  • Ambient PM 2.5 exposure and premature mortality burden in the holy city Varanasi, India *.