Concetta Valeria Lucia Giosafatto
Department of Chemical Sciences, Via cinthia, 80126, Naples (ITALY)
Research Interests:
Edible films; food biochemistry, transglutaminase
- Dr Giosafatto Concetta Valeria L. (Researcher unique identifier(s) http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8762-2205) research experience started during thesis internship in 2000 at the Dpt of Food Science of University of Naples.
- She has then enrolled on a PhD course in Biotechnology.
- During the PhD, she spent 1 year on a Marie Curie host fellowship at the Institute of Food Research (IFR), Norwich (UK) working on fennel waste recycling, in order to prepare biopolymer films from fennel-extracted pectin.
- Then she was awarded 5 Postdoctoral Fellowships working on different research projects.
- In 2008 she has successfully applied for a Marie Curie Post Doc to work at IFR for 2 years.
- The project started in June 2009 and focused on the digestion carried out under physiological conditions of transglutaminase-modified egg white proteins.
- In 2010 during her stay at IFR she was the mentor of a visiting student from University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK thanks to the participation to the project “Improving sublingual delivery of oral immunotherapy targets (PeachSLIT)”.
- In fact, she was involved in development and mechanical characterization of edible films made of rice starch for oral immunotherapy for severe food allergies triggered by peaches.
- She has also spent a period in 2011 at INRA-CEA SACLAY France, gaining competences on the different aspects of IgE binding studies.
- Currently she is a Research Scientist at Dpt of Chemical Sciences of University of Naples Federico II.
- She is working on the use of transglutaminse-modified proteins and carbohydrates (such as pectins, starch and chitosan) to prepare hydrocolloid edible films to be used both in food and agriculture sector.
- Moreover, she is performing experiments of digestion conducted under physiological conditions, by using both the adult and the infant model, in order to verify the digestibility of transglutaminase-modified properties as well as edible films by the human gut.
- She is author of 24 articles, different book chapters, editorials and opinions, all widely cited in the literature, published in peer reviewed journals.