Iran, Islamic Republic of
University of Tabriz, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Tabriz.
Rasoul Heshmati
University of Tabriz, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Tabriz.
Research Interests:
Psychopathology, Treatment, Psychotherapeutic Processes, Clinical Health Psychology.
- Effectiveness of Self-Regulation Couple Therapy intervention on marital satisfaction and partner abuse (Non-physical).
- Functional Status, Anxiety, Cardiac Self-Efficacy, and Health Beliefs of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.
- The Role of Positive and Negative Affectivity, Optimism, Pessimism, and Information Processing Styles in Student Psychological Adjustment.
- Relationship Between Personality Dimensions and Hopelessness: A Study on College Students.
- Investigation on EEG Pattern Differences in Males and Females During Convergent and Divergent Thinking.
- Happiness and Willingness to Communicate in Three Attachment Styles: A Study on College Students.
- Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20): A Study of Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.
- Life satisfaction, spirituality well-being and hope in cancer patients.
- Anxiety: Trait/Sate, Sensation Seeking and Marital Satisfaction in Married Women.
- Effectiveness of coping skills training in relapse prevention and resiliency enhancement in people with substance dependency.
- Spiritual well-being and mental health in university students.
- Psychometric properties of Torrance test (Persian version) of creative thinking (A form).