Niranjan Kumar Kondapalli
Atmosphere and Ocean Reseach Institute (AORI) The University of Tokyo,
Research Interests:
- Atmospheric Dynamics
- Climate Extremes
- Tropical cyclones
- Weather
- Climate modelling.
- Niranjan Kumar Kondapalli currently works at the Center for Climate System Research, The University of Tokyo.
- Niranjan does research in Climatology.
- Their current project is 'Advanced Study on Precipitation Enhancement in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions.' He worked previously in a project "CLIMATE, WATER, HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN ARID REGIONS".
- On the epochal variation of intensity of tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea.
- A case study of convectively generated gravity waves coupling of the lower atmosphere and mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) over the tropical region: An observational evidence.
- Unusual enhancement in tropospheric and surface ozone due to orography induced gravity waves.
- North Atlantic controls on wintertime warm extremes and aridification trends in the Middle East.
- Identification of the cloud base height over the central Himalayan region: Intercomparison of Ceilometer and Doppler Lidar.
- Modulation of surface meteorological parameters by extratropical planetary-scale Rossby waves.
- Wintertime precipitation variability over the Arabian Peninsula and its relationship with ENSO in the CAM4 simulations.
- Wave like signatures in aerosol optical depth and associated radiative impacts over the central Himslayan region.
- Investigation of aerosol optical, physical, and radiative characteristics of a severe dust storm observed over UAE.
- Hydrological extremes in hyper-arid regions: A diagnostic characterization of intense precipitation over the Central Arabian Peninsula.
- Low-mid latitude D-region ionospheric perturbations associated with 22 July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse: Wave-like signatures inferred from VLF observations.
- Precipitation variability over UAE and Global SST Teleconnections.