Journal of Behavior Therapy And Mental Health

Journal of Behavior Therapy And Mental Health

Journal of Behavior Therapy And Mental Health

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Applied statistics and biostatistics; Statistical and epidemiological methodology and modelling; Functional data analysis for time series forecasting; Marginal and structural equation modelsJoint modelling for survival a

Shahid Ullah


Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics College of Medicine and Public Health Flinders University 


Editorial Board

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Occupational Health & Safety-Dr. Rabiul Ahasan

Dr. Rabiul Ahasan

Editorial Board

King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Leadership and Management-Farhan  Alshammari

Farhan Alshammari

Editorial Board

Dean, College of Nursing University of Hail.

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Mental Health Disorders-Reethi Iyengar

Reethi Iyengar

Editorial Board

Express Scripts

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Neurocognitive Assessments-Maclean Vokhiwa

Maclean Vokhiwa

Editorial Board

International Centre for Behavioral Studies - ICBS

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Genetics-Chen Zhang

Chen Zhang

Editorial Board

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology.

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-etiology and prevalence of psychiatric disorders-Roberto Maniglio

Roberto Maniglio

Editorial Board

Associate Professor. University of Salento.

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Mental Retardation-Tulin Fidan

Tulin Fidan

Editorial Board

Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Eskisehir Osmangazi University. 

Behavior Therapy And Mental Health-Psychometricsmeasurement Of Clinical Variables-Michela Balsamo

Michela Balsamo

Editorial Board

Disputer, "G.D'annunzio" University.
