Kumar Trivedi Mahendra, Branton Alice, Trivedi Dahryn, Jana Snehasis, Elasticity Profile of Skin, Neuronal, Cardiac, and Skeletal Muscle Cells after Treatment with the Biofield Energy Healing-Based Proprietary Test Formulation, Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedical Science, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 19-29, ISSN 2576-6694, https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2576-6694.jbbs-21-3819. (https://jcci-clinicalarticles.infojbbs/article/1662) Keywords: Biofield Treatment; Elasticity; The Trivedi Effect®; SH-SY5Y; HaCaT; and H9C2; C2C12.